This is a conversation between me and the old guy lives next door.
- Hi, I live next to you, and I just wanted to stop by and say Hi to you.
- (No reaction from the old guy)
- You may want to know who we are, what we do and so on. I decided to introduce myself and know more about you.
- I don’t care who lives next to me.
( An awkward silence for a minute, I was kind of shocked with this answer, and was about to leave. Then, he starts talking about who lived in our house, in the other houses and said ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ that made me comfortable. Our conversation continues. )
- We have been living here since 1968. Roads were not even paved.
- Really. How about your children?
- We have raised four children here. They all live in New Jersey.
- How old are you?
- I am 82 years old, I got retired when I was 66. I was a judge at the New Jersey Supreme Court.
- Really. My grandpa was 82 when he passes away. (I know this was something mean to say.)
- I guess you are still driving?
- Yes, I am.
- I think you guys always do exercise, and sports. That’s why you are still energetic.
- That might be true.
- My grandpa was a farmer, he worked really hard.
-I see.
(Conversation lasted almost ten minutes. I helped him while he was trying to water the flowers. Then, I asked to leave and he told me that: ‘In any emergency, come an knock on my door. )
This was a good experience for me, I just wanted to share that with you.